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Member's News

Members responses needed - The licencing debate is approaching!

22 August 2020

On Thursday 17th July the States voted to carry out an investigation into the creation of a Digital Register of Landlords using existing legislation. A Register of Landlords would be a lighter-touch system, which would require no system of licenses which are granted every two years and can be removed from a landlord by the Environmental Health department.

On September 8th 2020 the States Members will take their final vote to decide whether Landlords should be Licensed, and this Digital Register investigation will no doubt affect the votes that Members cast.

The JLA would like to compile a formal report to be submitted as part of this Digital Register investigation, ensuring that landlord's voices are heard and considered by our elected representatives.

We are asking you, our members, to share with us your comments, questions and concerns on the Digital Register of Landlords, to be the basis of our report. Please keep your responses professional and concise, and let us know whether we can credit your comment, or whether you would prefer anonymity. Some members have already contacted us, and we have kept these responses on file to be used for this purpose. You are welcome to contribute again if you have further points to add, and we can collate your responses into one.
As the debate has rumbled on in the States, you may have also noticed that landlords, landlord licensing and reports of rent increases have been featured widely in the local media. You, like us, might feel that landlords are getting an unjustified 'bad press' in the media. We know that the majority of landlords are professional, honest and caring in their approach.
If you have any 'good news stories' about being a landlord we would love to hear them. If these could come from happy tenants - even better! We plan to share these (either anonymously or credited as contributors decide) via our social media channels as a mini-series to highlight the contribution that landlords have made during the Covid-19 response. We want to show that landlords are a valuable contributor to Jersey Society in bad times, as well as good.

Have you:
* offered or agreed rent reductions;
* terminated fixed tenancies without penalty;
* stored tenants' possessions;
* helped tenants find alternative accommodation; or
* been a friendly and reassuring ear to concerned tenants?

It is very easy for people to assume the worst of landlords given the recent media focus. We want to show the Island and its politicians that this isn't the case.

You can share your comments using the survey link below - DEADLINE NOW PAST, SURVEY CLOSED

Proposition P93-2020: Establishment of a digital register of all commercial and residential properties

Proposition P82-2020: Investigation the establishment of a Digital Register of Landlords

The JLA's response to Public Health & Safety (Rented Dwellings) (Licensing) (Jersey) Regulations Nov 2019

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